Arquivos da etiqueta: Universidade de Bangor Gales
Gales: seminario sobre aspectos da obra de Xavier Queipo
A Universidade de Bangor (Gales) organiza o venres 2 de decembro arredor un seminario arredor dalgúns aspectos da obra de Xavier Queipo, quen aproveitará a súa estadía no País de Gales para presentar Artico 2.0, e Extramunde, Premio Xerais de Novela 2011. Reproducimos o programa:
“Xavier Queipo is one of Galicia’s leading, most original narrative voices. In 2011 he was awarded the prestigious Xerais literary award (which is granted every year by Galicia’s leading publishing house). This one-day symposium aims to bring his work to the attention of Welsh and British audiences, by bringing researchers, students and writer together and encouraging new discussions on the role of the literary writer in contemporary Galician culture.
Venres 2 de decembro. 1-4 pm. Conference Room 3.
– 13:00 h. Benvida pola Dr Helena Miguélez-Carballeira.
– 13:15 h. Dr. Cornelia Gräbner: Poetic Disruptions of the Neoliberal Etiquette: The European Constitution in Verse.
– 14:00 h. Dr Kirsty Hooper: Xavier Queipo’s Glosarios: a model of relational poetics?
– 14:40 h. Xavier Queipo: Flux and mutability: Membranes and literature.
– 15:30 h. Mesa redonda (Audience participation will be encouraged!)
– 16:00 h. Peche.”
Vía Xerais.